Live The Adventure
What is Wherigo? Wherigo is a platform onto which you can create location-based experiences. With Wherigo, it's possible to create experiences such as guided tours, non-fiction and fiction stories, and even games that quiz a player or time movement between two locations.

For example, Wherigo could be used to create a guided historical tour. Wherigo could also be used to let the player play the part of someone who lived during that time, interacting with other characters in the narrative, eventually building up to a climax and comclusion to that particular story or chapter. Learn more
Download & Play! Wherigo experiences exist as individual downloadable files, called "cartridges". Cartridges are downloaded free of charge to a Wherigo player app, available via your phone's app store. Create Your Own! You can build cartridges by using one of several freely available cartridge builders.
Free For All! Interactive Wherigo adventures are completely free! It's free to join, play, download, and create! The site is supported by a non-profit group, the Wherigo Foundation. Their goal is to continue developing the Wherigo platform to provide more fun ways to play Wherigo. Wherigo is licensed to the Wherigo Foundation by Groundspeak, Inc.

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Newest Cartridges
Zombies-Outbreak by jonny65 Bayern, Germany
Klingenberger WiG by Maragul Bayern, Germany
Test de conduite by Danatisy Quebec, Canada
La Cinquante by Danatisy Quebec, Canada