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Poznate hru s gulickami, ktore sa hadzu do jamky... Tak toto je to iste, ale gulicky su virtualne a gulicky aj ihrisko su nasobne vacsie. Na starte mate k dispozicii 3 gulicky, ktore postupne hadzete do ihriska. Nasledne ich cvrnkate mensou silou s cielom dostat ich vsetky do jamky. Pri kazdom hode/cvrnknuti je smer vzdy ku jamke (samozrejme s nahodnymi vplymi nerovnosti terenu, ci smeru vetra). Mozete ale urcit silu, ktorou hadzete (na stupnici 1-10). Hod je vzdy silnejsi ako neskorsie cvrnknutie. A to je vlastne vsetko. Vela stastia...
You probably know the marbles game... So this game is pretty similar. However, the marbles and the playground is much bigger. At the start point you get three marbles that you successively throw to the playground. Afterwards you go to the playground and flick the marbles (with less power). The goal of the game is to get all the marbles to the hole. When you throw or flick the marble the direction is always set to the hole (of course the bumpiness of the playground and the wind have their impact). You can choose the power you use (from 1 to 10). The throw is more powerful than the later flicking. And that is all. Good luck... The game speaks only Slovak. However, it is very simple to operate so it should not be an issue.
P.S. Za namet na tuto wigovku dakujem Glulikovi. Thanks to Glulik for the idea for this WIG.
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