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iPhone with RetinaiPad with RetinaWherigo Foundation PlayerWhereYouGoGarmin Colorado/OregonEmulatorGeneric Player
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Mala Azia v PD
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Uvodne suradnice ukazuju na miesto zvane "Cinsky mur". Tomu sa ale venovat nebudeme, pojdeme o kusok dalej :-)
About This Cartridge
Ista cast Prievidze sa vola slangovo "Cinsky mur" a v tej istej casti su aj 3 vysoke cinziaky, ktore sme pre ucely tejto kesky nazvali "Hanojske veze".
Prave na nich vam tato interaktivna hra vysvetli zaujimavy hlavolam, a trosku vas rozhybe pri jeho praktickom rieseni :-)
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