Cacher Pursuit
A cartridge by Ranger Fox
N 38° 59.307   W 119° 12.446 N 38° 59.307   W 119° 12.446
Challenge < 1 hour
In Nevada, United States
Available Icons:
Added: 9/8/2015 Updated: 2/8/2016

Starting Location Description

The parking lot to a nice park in Weed Heights.

About This Cartridge

Answer geocaching trivia questions in this exciting game based on Trivial Pursuit!

This park has a walkway that goes to different picnic areas. Each area and the central gazebo has is associated with a geocaching Trivial Pursuit category. Visit an area and you'll be asked a question. Get it right and you'll get a pie wedge. Get it wrong and you'll have to visit another area before you can try that category again. You only have a certain number of tries at any one category (look at the location's description), so answer wisely. There is no time limit. If you get all wedges, the final location will be revealed.

This cartridge can be previewed in an emulator, but only two locations will be active.

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