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By tower27 Added: 3/21/2013
Saarland, Germany
Oh je! Die Pinguine im virtuellen Zoo am Saar-Basar spinnen. Helf dem Zoowaerter dabei, die Pinguine wieder einzufangen.
By Al 7365 Added: 3/21/2013
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
A short tour around the village of Chiddingfold.
By ossau64 Added: 3/21/2013
Bretagne, France
Gurs, une drole de syllabe, comme un sanglot qui ne sort pas de la gorge. Louis Aragon
By Antonio Jose Vieira (avieira) Added: 3/21/2013
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
[EN] A little adventure in Coimbra, where we have to go in a journey to try to stop the evil Malevolus from destroying some important places. [PT] Uma pequena aventura em Coimbra, onde temos que tentar impedir que o Malevolus destrua alguns dos locais da cidade.
By MickEMT Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
The first Wherigo cartridge in the Warren PA area.
By JCanyoneer Added: 3/21/2013
Arizona, United States
We recently lost GCB0B to pancreatic cancer. This wherigo was made "In Memory of GCB0B"
By Pirouet Added: 3/21/2013
Quebec, Canada
Cette cache a ete faite dans le cadre de l'EVENT GO! Victo 2011!
By Gerard Added: 3/21/2013
Ostschweiz (SG/SH/TG/AI/AR/GL), Switzerland
Decouvrez l'histoire reliant le premier funiculaire de Suisse a la premiere ligne de metro entierement automatisee ! Lausanne s'est montree en avance sur son temps pour relier Ouchy au quartier, toujours en mouvement, du Flon.
By Thomas Butler AKA Tb942 Added: 3/21/2013
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I did this in spare time. it took about 16 hours. WARNING: DO NOT try this at home
By agility3d Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
This wherigo will take you on a short hike around the park where the Lehigh Valley Geocacher's meet for our CITO events. It is related to Geocache # GC33TE9
By agility3d Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
This Wherigo cartridge takes place in Hope Cemetery off Route 191 near Lower Nazareth Park. The can be done as a complete walking tour or you can drive from zone to zone just hopping in and out of the car to get your answers.
By StachoB Added: 3/21/2013
Slaskie, Poland
Pewnego dnia w spokojne wsi Bazanowice, na poludniu Polski pojawila sie puma. Niewiadomo jak sie tu dostala, ale jest i straszy ludzi oraz pozera ich zwierzeta. Naszym celem jest znalesc ja.
By agility3d Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
In Honor of Veterans Day and 11-11-11 a tour of the area.
By SK-112 Added: 3/21/2013
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Der Dietemann, das Wahrzeichen Eschweges blaest tagsueber zu jeder vollen Stunde bei einem Rundgang um die Spitze des Schlossturms, von wo er die Stadt bewacht. Einmal im Jahr, zum Johannisfest am ersten Wochenende im Juli, steigt er von seinem Turm und fuehrt gemeinsam mit zwoelf Biedermeiermaedche
By Jiho Kim Added: 3/21/2013
Seoul, South Korea
This is a cartridge support Geocaching in Seoul Zoo.
By Bill Borowicz Added: 3/21/2013
Iowa, United States
Please head on over to the Wickiup Outdoor Learning Center. 10260 Morris Hills RD Toddville, IA 52341 Please observe park hours and note when the gates close.
By agility3d Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
This wherigo is part of the Lehigh Valley GeoCachers Geo Park.What is a GeoPark? Several members of Lehigh Valley Geocachers volunteered to hide interesting and unusual caches in a small, concentrated area. We call this zone a “GeoPark.” If you plan your caching just right, you may qualify for a “On
By agility3d Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
This wherigo is part of the Lehigh Valley GeoCachers Geo Park.What is a GeoPark? Several members of Lehigh Valley Geocachers volunteered to hide interesting and unusual caches in a small, concentrated area. We call this zone a “GeoPark.” If you plan your caching just right, you may qualify for a “On
By ggggeo2 Added: 3/21/2013
Pennsylvania, United States
This is the game cartridge for Geocache GC3BZJ1
By SecuRitty Added: 3/21/2013
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Frühe Bergbaugeschichte, uralte Bäume und mehr in einem unscheinbaren Flecken im Harz. Dieses kinderfreundliche Spiel ist im Sommer auch nur mit festen Sachen zu spielen. Bitte um Feedback sowohl bei Fehlern als auch bei Gefallen!